EPOG2.0 is a word-class leading Master’s course in “Economic Policies in the Age of Globalization”, implying a collaboration between six prestigious universities which offer excellent, recognized and well established Master’s degree courses in specific and complementary fields,.
- The Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and the Université de Paris – (France) are famed for their research and teaching based on institutional economics. The Université Sorbonne Paris Nord is well renowned for its research center (CEPN – CNRS UMR 7234) in the fields of industrial economics, international macroeconomics and finance, and the economics of emerging countries (especially in Latin-America and Asia). It is involved in 3 research labs of excellence (LABEX) in economics (innovation, culture and finance), labelled after a national competition. It is also a key player the “Condorcet” Campus of excellence in social sciences gathering the best national institutions in the field, offering the necessary resources for world-class research and professional integration. The University of Paris brings additional knowledge and skills on territorial development, environment and social and solidarity economy. It also brings interdisciplinary approaches through its research lab (LADYSS – CNRS UMR 7533) composed of economists, geographers, sociologists and political scientists.
At Universities Sorbonne Paris Nord and Université de Paris, Dany Lang (dany.lang@epog2.eu) ensures the general coordination. He is Associate Professor in Economics. He is accredited to supervise research (Habilitation à diriger des recherches). He is also coordinator of Major B of EPOG+ and has also acted as the coordinator of options B and C of EPOG 1.0.
One person will be responsible for each of the two options.
Dany Lang is in charge of option I.
Antoine Rebérioux is in charge of option II. He is Professor of Economics at the University de Paris, and a research fellow at LADYSS (UMR7533).
They will be assisted in those tasks and as well as the management of the seven majors by Antoine Réberioux, Cédric Durand and Tristan Auvray.
- The Berlin School of Economics and Law (Berlin, Germany) is renowned for its expertise on the link between growth and income distribution, and the macroeconomics of crisis, recovery and development;
At the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL), the person in charge of EPOG is Eckhard Hein, a Professor of Economics, currently the Director of the Master in International Economics of the BSEL, a Co-Director of the Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) of the BSEL, a Research Associate of the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, New York, and of the Center of Economics of Paris North (CEPN), University Paris 13.
- Kingston University London (United Kingdom) has an established reputation for political economy and analysis of contemporary issues such as the causes of the financial and economic crisis and the causes and consequences of economic and social inequality. Its Political Economy Research Group is one of Britain’s leading political economy research centres in the field of economics;
At Kingston University, Rex McKenzie, senior lecturer in Economics, is the person in charge for EPOG.
- The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) (Johannesburg, South Africa)‘s reputation is built on research and academic excellence. It is the only university in South Africa in the top 1% in the world in seven defined research fields according to the ISI international rankings. It offers a leading inter-disciplinary post-graduate programme in development studies, and is involved in many world-class networks
The key academic coordinator for EPOG 2.0 at the University of the Witwatersrand is Nicolas Pons-Vignon.
- The University of Roma Tre (Italy) has been chosen to join the consortium not only because of its quality curriculum and the excellent reputation of its staff both in the fields of teaching and research, but also because its department of Economics is highly pluralistic. In addition, it already has a Master programme in Development with a focus on sustainability issues.
At University of Roma Tre, the EPOG 2.0 coordinator will be Antonella Stirati.
You can discover the latest publications of the EPOG staff HERE.