Villa Finaly, Florence, Italy, July 9-12, 2017
Parallel sessions: presentation and discussion of Cohort 2017’s research work (July 10, 9:00-16:15)
Parallel session 1: “Business models and technological change”
Parallel session 2: “Financial Intermediaries and financial innovation”
Parallel session 3: “Money and finance in liberalized and regulated economies”
Parallel session 4: “Income distribution, labour and growth”
Parallel session 5: “Public policies”
Parallel session 6: “Mobility and trade”
Plenary session 1: Recent changes and challenges for economic science (July 10, 2017, 16:45 – 18:45)
Speakers: Juan Graña (Professor in economics, University of Buenos Aires, CONICET), Marc Lavoie (Professor of economics, University of Paris 13, CEPN CNRS UMR 7234)
Plenary session 2: Causes and consequences of the rise of the radical right (July 11, 2017, 8:45 – 10:45)
Speakers: Ben Fine (Professor of economics, SOAS, University of London), Lena Lavinas (Professor of economics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).
Plenary session 3: Finding a new way Forward: possible responses to the rise of the radical right (July 11, 2017, 11:00 – 13:00)
Speakers: Gary Dymski (Professor of economics, Leeds University, UK), Kostas Nikolaou (Hellenic Open University and President of People’s University of Social Solidarity Economy «UnivSSE Coop »), Ann Pettifor (Director of Policy Research in Macroeconomics (PRIME) network, Economic advisor of Jeremy Corbyn and British Labour Party, Fellow of the New Economics Foundation, London).
Programme of the parallel sessions – Programme of the plenary sessions